POPFACE China tour



Popface is a Postrock/Shoegaze band formed in Stavanger, Norway.


For 20 years, the band has perfected the balance between loud and quiet, cascading between walls of electric guitars and the gentle whisper of the acoustic. The band has for many years been looked upon as being one of Norway’s finest live acts and is well known for always delivering great live shows.


Released worldwide on different record labels and with rotation on international radio stations, Popface has been able to reach fans of independent music throughout their career. In August 2015, the band made their debut tour in China that featured 11 gigs. Their passionate live performance was considered one of the best acts of the year by many venues and fans.


Popface balances beautifully between their artistic vision of sonic shoegazing/wall of guitar sound, and are embracing beautifully executed atmospheric art-pop. The new mature sound fits the band perfectly. The band just finished their 5th album “Little Dreamer” which will be released autumn 2016.


Fans of Mogwai, Sigur Ros, Appleseed Cast, Explosions In The Sky should take note.


tickets online :https://yoopay.cn/event/ygys20161124

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)