The ultimate melodic metal feast!
The northern European ceremony of chaos!
Finnish prodigy Children of Bodom 2015 CHINA TOUR!!!
Guest: GYZE [Japan]

With 9 Studio albums and almost 20 years career, the finnish outfit Children of Bodom has established their remarkable mark in the metal scene through their powerful music. This mark has been glowing from the very beginning and now it can be seen in a rather long distance–even from the space.
Formed in 1993 in Espoo, Finland as a five pieces pure metal band, the band’s name is derived from the infamous Lake Bodom murders, which took place in Finland in 1960. Originally named Inearthed (with a series of demos to their name), They burst into metal scene with the amazing debut《Something wild》and keep shocking the world with another two following classical albums which are《Hatebreeder》and《Follow the Reaper》. These albums’ high-energy hooks and electric energy forge stadium-sized heavy metal anthems that seethe with both marvelous musicianship and a phenomenal pop prowess. The quintet’s unique union of haunting melodies, rhythmic sensibility, guitar-and-keyboard interplay and king-size solos is supercharged to the maximum, and the resulting music is poised to push the band to an altogether new pinnacle.
Along the road of their musical evolution are the remarkable albums in variety in the following years. They just keep pushing themselves at the edge with 2005’s《Are you dead yet》and 2008’s《Relentless Reckless Forever》adding new elements and tinges with more creativity.
Through their entire career so far it is truly amazing that Children Of Bodom can be as brutal as any metal band when the situation demands. But what places this band at the pinnacle of the pack is the way it can suddenly deliver huge swathes of melody and instantly memorable choruses with an unmatched degree of musicianship that has seen vocalist/guitarist Alexi “Wildchild” Laiho and his cohorts grace the covers of musician magazines around the globe.
With each subsequent album, the band has honed and perfected its unique sound and today stand tall in metal’s pantheon. Now for the first time they will come here touring with their latest album《I worship chaos》. With chaos and forces, raise your arms and join in this feast!!!
Hotline: 010-62159844

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 380 (door) / 320 (presale)
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