Gregg Bissonette has become known as one of the most versatile drummers in the business, his broad experience ranging from big band, blues, and rock, to Latin, fusion, and much more.


The Detroit native comes from a family of talented musicians. Gregg started playing on his dad’s drum kit from about the age of 5! After high school, Gregg left Detroit for North Texas State University (now the University of North Texas). He became the drummer for the famed NTSU One O’Clock Big Band. In 1982, following his graduation from NTSU, Gregg made the move to Los Angeles. Gregg’s big break came in the summer of 1985, when David Lee Roth left Van Halen and started his own band. Gregg landed the gig playing drums, with Steve Vai on guitar, Billy Sheehan on bass, and Brett Tuggle on keys.


In 2000, Gregg had the honor of playing with Carlos Santana on the multi-Grammy winning CD Supernatural. Gregg has recorded and released two solo albums, Gregg Bissonette on Shrapnel Records and Submarine on Favored Nations Records. In 2003, he and Matt were asked to tour with Ringo Starr to promote Ringo’s album Ringo Rama. Ringo has been Gregg’s drumming hero since his dad took him to see the Beatles live in 1966! In 2008, 2010 and 2012, Bissonette toured with Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band. He will join Ringo Starr and the All Starr band again for Starr’s upcoming North American tour this summer.


Today, Gregg continues to record with and for many other artists, films, and TV shows. Gregg’s incredible sense of humor comes across clearly whether he’s recording or teaching at a drum clinic. His perfect balance between professionalism, strong work ethic, and congeniality make him a wonderful colleague and session artist, and a much-respected name in the music industry.


Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQ3NDUwMzM2.html


More info: http://www.drumchina.com/gregg/




Tickets online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=

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