Though the world will be destroy in a second, you can still close your eyes and enjoy the movie shoot for ears.

Let’s fall in the fantasy of the end.


Their music is the best kind of dark rock, heavy and gothic with­out being completely oppressive, and I enjoyed it immensely. One thing that did confuse me was that there were backing vocals and extra instruments for which there was no explanation, and during the set I thought it was a bit tasteless that he use a back­ing track rather than get a full band, but I was relieved to find out afterwards that there was a guy behind the mixing table making all these sounds happen. I can only assume that his pres­ence on stage with his com­puter would have ruined the aes­thetic of the performance, and while that’s probably true, they could have just stuck him in the cor­ner, not invisible behind the mix­ing table. Anyway, I thor­oughly enjoyed myself, and his forty minute set was exactly as long as I wanted it to be. ——Beijing Gig Guide


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  • Tickets: Rmb 80 / 50 (presale)