Spring had come and the last snow was black with dirt and poison. People everywhere seemed slow,and behind their sunglasses they were hiding the hollowness that one too many winters leave in everyone. The days passed slowly yet darkness came fast. While the thin coffee in his dirty cup went from cool to cold, he sat and rolled another cigarette. It always got so quiet then. Surely, it will be edged in his mind forever: That Day Last November.


If he were to listen to some music now – it would surely be the new album “That Day Last November” by Austria’s Our Ceasing Voice.For it’s a concept album about the passage of time, that’s supposed to heal all wounds; a dark and gloomy record, situated between hypnotizing ambient and something that once was Post-Rock. An album about those things in life one can’t escape: death, mortality. Reminiscence and oblivion, love and grief.


Since their foundation, Our Ceasing Voice’s line-up has constantly been changing. Only in 2010 the founding members and guitarists Sebastian and Reinhard Obermeir have found a drummer, Markus Rappold, who first appeared on “When The Headline Hit Home”, the band’s full-lenght-debut. But also the ever vacant position on bass has finally been filled in April 2011. Originally joining up with the band as a touring-bassist, it soon became clear, Eyup Kus was here to stay. Without hesitation Our Ceasing Voice released a Split EP together with Satory from Vienna in November 2011. Therefore, “For Darkness Fears The Light”, the song that was released on this 7″ Split, marks the first creation of a band, that got together and finally found itself. The clearly different nature of the new album, however, is not only due to these circumstances. While the band has again produced, recorded and mixed the album itself in their own studio, Our Ceasing Voice count on the support of their friends and musicians this time around.or instance, American singer-songwriter Matthew Ryan’s characteristic, rasp and raw voice and lyrics give the songs “Until Your Chest Explodes” and “The Anniversary” their unique, melancholic vibe. Also, the vocals of Reinhard Obermeir are increasingly used. His low, almost dying voice has become characteristic for the band at the latest on “When The Headline Hit Home”. At the same time, the tighter song-structures enable Our Ceasing Voice to tell the 40 minute and 8 song long story of a man, who was disappointed by a world, in which everything once seemed possible. A world that was stalled by the loss of love.


These feelings are not only portrayed in the music. The artwork by Thomas Neulinger allows to trace the atmosphere and story, even before the first chord has resounded. And so the listener, as well as the protagonist of the story, will not be able to escape their memory. Of everything that happened, on That Day Last November.


Tickets online:


  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 160 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)