canceled!!! BREAKDOWN OF SANITY is coming in New Year’s Day!!!

I´m very sorry to tell you that Breakdown Of Sanity have to cancel the shows in China due to illness of our guitarist Christoph Gygax.
He has an injury of his back during the current Russian tour and he can’t move anymore. We are absolutely sorry about that, the band was REALLY looking forward to perform in China but health is not in our hands. We are DEEPLY SORRY!!!!!!



Just as the way everything evolves, metal music has become more and more like one art of fusion. Of all the new genres in the past 2 dacades, Metalcore is the flag that every metal fan cannot ignore. After more than 10 years’ revolution, we have found more and more legion behind its flag.


The Swiss Metalcore-Group Breakdown of Sanity was built in 2007, when guitarist Oliver Stingel began to write new songs after the breakup of his former band Paranoia. Shouter Carlo, the guitar player of Nerph, has soon come to the new camp and decided to be a part of it. With a programmed drumkit, the two metalcore-maniacs shortly began to create their new music. Oliver’s past bandmate Bass guitar player César Gonin was easy to wow for this new project. The line-up remains incomplete until December 2007 when Thomas Rindlisbacher became noticeable, at the time he was playing with the band Mortal Hatred.


When Breakdown of Sanity was ready to hit the road in 2008, they decided to look for a second guitarist, and shortly after Sandro Keusen was found. In this form Breakdown of Sanity express some music, that is clearly recognized as metalcore. Reams of influences is impressing the sound, in which a self-made, new character in the music simply can’t be missed. Brute riffs and knockdown breakdowns are cleverly changing with melodic parts, what makes it possible for shouter Carlo to add some clean singing into the songs. So the music becomes once more eclectic and sets a lot more emotions free. The lyrics are including basically social critical and personal content. The name of the band Breakdown of Sanity reflects on the one hand the unbelievable aggression in the music, and on the other hand the dreary Zeitgeist in which we are living today. By the way, the concept ’Breakdown’ is a small advice to the content of their music, because breakdowns arent’ really missing in the compositions of these Bernese guys…


February 2009, BoS published their first self-produced LP <The Last Sunset>, tons of breakdowns, tons of melodic waves, this is what metalcore music should be. With the sophomore release<Mirrors> 2 years later, they push the boundary with more imagination and more progression. The next step is to deliver MV in their 3rd album<Perception>.


After 3 years, they come back with the latest album<Coexistence>, which features Ryo Kinoshita of Crystal Lake. More melodic, more progressive, but still Breakdown of Sanity, this is the best BoS ever and this is the best gift for all fans. Bos will begin their first tour in CHINA in the period of New Year Day 2017 and the band hope to meet everyone of you fans in the millions of breakdown music until you really know the meaning of Breakdown of Sanity!!!


tickets online:

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 160 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)