Archives for: December 14, 2015


[ January 29, 2016; 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. ] One of the three staff in the team must be fired during the economic recession. While waiting for the result, X is bullied by two other colleagues more seriously than usual. Caught in the nightmare of a bullfighting ring, X feels exhausted and cannot find way out. Boss finally shows up. Filled with fury like a bull at bay, here comes the final revenge from X…

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 220 (door) / 150 (presale) / 120 (early brid | stops at midnight on December 20th)


[ January 28, 2016; 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. ] One of the three staff in the team must be fired during the economic recession. While waiting for the result, X is bullied by two other colleagues more seriously than usual. Caught in the nightmare of a bullfighting ring, X feels exhausted and cannot find way out. Boss finally shows up. Filled with fury like a bull at bay, here comes the final revenge from X…

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 220 (door) / 150 (presale) / 120 (early brid | stops at midnight on December 20th)


[ January 27, 2016; 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. ] One of the three staff in the team must be fired during the economic recession. While waiting for the result, X is bullied by two other colleagues more seriously than usual. Caught in the nightmare of a bullfighting ring, X feels exhausted and cannot find way out. Boss finally shows up. Filled with fury like a bull at bay, here comes the final revenge from X…

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 220 (door) / 150 (presale) / 120 (early brid | stops at midnight on December 20th)

The new album coming

[ December 27, 2015; 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm. ] SKY / SELF PORTRAIT / HIGH MYOPIA / ANTU SOUND / THE PISCES

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 80 (door) / 50 (presale |  stops at midnight on December 26th)

VICE Presents: BATTLES / MOON DUO [2015 Dec 5] by Killarb

[ December 5, 2015; 4:00 am; ] [gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="32333,32334,32335,32336,32337,32338,32339,32340,32341,32342,32343,32344,32345,32346,32347,32348,32349,32350,32351,32352,32353,32354,32355,32356"]

  • Start:
  • Tickets:

CICADA [Taiwan] [2015 Dec 4] by Killarb

[ December 4, 2015; 4:00 am; ]  

[gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="32305,32306,32307,32308,32309,32310,32311,32312,32313,32314,32315,32316,32317,32318,32319,32320,32321"]
  • Start:
  • Tickets:

Long Shen Dao REGGAE Party
Guest:DJ Raddam Ras

[ January 2, 2016; 8:30 pm to 11:00 pm. ] Long Shen Dao’s Raggar Party will be waiting for you at Yugongyishan. Comes and join us anddance the night away!

  • Start:
  • Tickets:  Rmb 120 (door) / 100 (presale | stops at midnight on January 1st)