We regret to announce that the new album release show of Mega Soul scheduled for the 16th of August at Yugong Yishan will be postponed to the end of the year due to an acute abdominal condition of Mega Souls bass player. The specific date will be announced soon.
Thanks to all friends who expressed their concern and thank you for supporting the band! For all you music lovers we call FENGTIAN, THE TRUTH, ETERNAL WINGS and BROZZERS to come together on August 16th at Yugong Yishan for one brilliant show!
We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes you! Purchased tickets can be returned or still be used for either the altered show on August 16th or the Mega Soul Album release show at the end of the year. Everybody who already payed for the album will receive a signed copy of the album and 10 Rmb of the album price will be returned.
Thanks to everybody for understanding, see you at the end of the year!
- Start:
- Tickets: Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (presale)