Want to see the band with the worst taste in jumpers since that terrifying Christmas present you got from your gran back in 1984? Look no further than this Parisian trio. Singing in English, but with a fantastic French accent, they play magical, well crafted Pop tunes that pack in the basslines and simple hooks. They remind of Metronomy, in that they seem to flourish in their humour, truly enjoying themselves and not taking things at all seriously, including those anti-fashion jumpers and comedy moustaches. It bleeds through their tracks and particularly their excellent videos. you should try and hunt out the single ‘Bang Bang’, where lead singer, David Boring, spends the entire time getting things thrown at him as he sings – totally brilliant!

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  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 60 (door) / 50 (presale | stop at midnight on June 22nd)