In France, IAM is simply one of the most important pillar of French hip hop culture, the inventors of a unique universe which blends Chinese mythology and the reality of the suburban life of Marseille, high level lyrics spined by the two singers Akhenaton and Shurik’N and knock down instrumentals produced by the sound architect Imhotep and Dj Kheops. Alike their American counterparts Wutang Clan, the members of IAM have been fascinated by Chinese culture, martial arts and super heroes. One can catch a lot of references in their brilliantly crafted rap and in the aesthetics that surrounds their albums and their stage performances.

IAM was founded in 1988, their first tape (« Concept ») was released in 1989, their first French hit  blasted in 1994 (« Je Danse Le Mia »), their first national distinction was granted in 1995 (Band of the year at the French Grammy Awards, les Victoires de la Musique), while their album  (« L’Ecole Du Micro D’Argent/ school of the silver mic »)reached a million copies sold in 1998 and their first US R&B featuring was executed by no one less than Beyoncé in 2003.In 2008 they celebrate their first twenty years with a gig in Egypt by the pyramids.

IAM just released their last album “…IAM” which they announced to be the last one. A pilgrimage to China was one ritual they needed to achieve through their amazing career.

In the lights of 50 years friendship between China and France, IAM is finally going to hit on the Middle Kingdom and kick start their long awaited China tour in Beijing’s infamous Yugong Yishan! It will be THE French party in town and you know how the French party!

Tickets location:

1. Yugong Yishan Bar (17:00 – 24:00)

2. Cafe de la Poste – No. 58 Yonghegong Dajie (010 – 6402 7047)

3. Temple – B202, No.206, Gu Lou Dong Da Jie (13810207796)

4. Cafe Zarah – No. 42, Gu Lou Dong Da Jie (010 – 8403 9807)

5. Travel Stone Agency – Please Contact: Emilie Chaudouard <emilie@travel-stone.com>


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  • Start:
  • Tickets: Limited early birds tickets for 150 RMB (available till May 25th!) / presale 200 RMB / at door 300 RMB
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