Make Like a Tree is one man musical traveling project.
All songs are recordered in different places of the world inspired by meeting with musicians who play in dissimilar music styles. Each concert is played with new members and can turn Make Like A Tree in a duo or in quite a large improvising ensemble.
While one man was traveling
The seed of a tree fell into his heart
It grew up
And reached God…
Streets Kill Strange Animals was founded in 2008, their play noise – rock and experimental rock.
MouthOfTheWolf is a travelling razor/folk artist originally from Cape Town (SA). During the past ten years he has fronted both stoner and post-hardcore groups in London (UK), as well as an electronica/hardcore outfit in Hanoi (VN). As a solo musician currently based in Beijing (CN), MOTW combines palm-muted riffs and socio-political commentary, captured via intensely atmospheric live performances and the raw honesty of DIY recording.
EPs freely available for download at:
- Start:
- Tickets: Rmb 50