Although Andorra (a tiny country between France and Spain) has no military, leaving that job to the combined efforts of the French and Spanish, PERSEFONE combined melodic Progressive and Death Metal as their unique weapon of choice. After the highly-acclaimed 2003 debut, Truth Inside the Shades, their endeavors slightly changed. Already on their sophomore album (2006’s Core), they would exploit their progressive roots, resulting in an amazing journey into melodic extremity, with only 3 songs all over 20 minutes long. As such, it’s most definitely not for the faint of heart but when given a chance, the album reveals itself in a tour of Progressive Death Metal, quite different from the OPETH-inspired bands which are almost a trend in the genre. Then, 2009’s Shin-Ken introduced a much more exotic with a concept around Samurai culture / history and the famous book of the swords and wars – A Book of Five Rings by Japanese swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi. This album borrowed elements from traditional Japanese music, some of the tracks have Japanese counterparts. So, it would be difficult to describe where they are going with 2013’s 4th album, Spiritual Migration. The idea of Spiritual Migration was created on their tour with OBITUARY about 3 years ago. Guitarist Carlos Lozano said: “We were promoting ‘Shin-Ken’ and had a day off. Our drummer Marc, keyboardist Moe and I were talking a lot about spirituality in those days, and then it happened. We thought we should try to put a strong message in our next album, something we really believe in. We took the theme as seriously as the music so we spent some time talking with experienced people about the topics we wanted to write about. We talked a lot amongst ourselves and tried to represent the right point of view during the process. It was very intense.” Yes, passion came with dedication. More melodies, complexity and aggression were added onto DREAM THEATER’s progressive aspects, combined beautiful atmospheric tracks with razor-sharp ferocity, some parts are almost symphonic… Take your hands, lead you step onto a way to an Alien world, deep into the most colorful mind and another dimension never seen before.
- Start:
- Tickets: Rmb 260 (VIP) / 200 (door) / 170 (presale | no present) / 150(Longxiao Card | with „PERSEFONE & SILENT HELL“ poster)