The Authority of the Music Media Recommend
The Most Anticipated Bands in 2013


2012 has been a strange year. Tainted by doomsday rumours, it has been unlucky and depressing for many. To get rid of the bitter aftertaste and give 2013 a warm welcome, the think tank of local music label Maybe Mars has designated three bands, which stood out during the past year, as the most anticipated acts in 2013, and have ordered them to play a special New Year’s show on January 12th. Dice, Bedstars and Streets Kill Strange Animals are truly three bands to watch, as they are very likely to climb to the very top of the Chinese indie music scene, this year.

Dice is a psychedelic rock impro-collective. Hearing them play live, you will have a hard time believing that they aren’t an established underground band with an ample live experience but a new three-piece, which played their first live gig in late 2012, to great acclaim. In Skip Skip Ben Ben’s front woman’s words, Dice are “genius” and many musicians have been praising them on their Douban page.

Hailing from the old D-22 generation, it was about time that Bedstars got more attention. Their thing is punk rock from the 70’s, complete with the “rock ‘n’ roll or die” attitude, a love for cheap beer and cheap smokes. Bedstars don’t waste time writing beautiful or complex lyrics and their overall message can be boiled down to “this is rock and roll”. If you haven’t got it yet, they’ll teach you at this show and if you still don’t get it then, check out their first demo EP to be released in 2013.

In 2012, Streets Kill Strange Animals released their first album, “PLAN B:BACK TO ANALOG TIME”, with a special show in September. They can’t be compared with other post punk bands, because their music simply refuses to be classified. While having signed with a label hasn’t in the least affected their indie spirit, they’re also not necessarily a band that can be called fashionable nor labeled as retro, but they succeed to maintain a beautifully structured balance between noise rock and experimental exploration. Come and see for yourself what Streets Kill Strange Animals are all about! Words don’t do them justice.

On top of all these local treats, Taiwan’s Go Go Rise will be the special guest of this show. With their soothing melodies and warm sounds, they’re a sure weapon to fight the merciless cold.

A new year, three new bands and the Spring Festival also within a foreseeable future make for solid reasons to leave your cozy home and rock the Yugong Yishan in style, once more. You can’t miss it!


Buy Ticket:

Maybe Mars Taobao :

Mosh :

Douban :

Yugong Yishan: 64042711

  • Start:
  • Tickets: 80 (at the door) / 60 (in advance)