Honored performance guests:  CLAUDIA RAHARDJANOTO [USA] / YANG ZONGRU [Taiwan China] / JIANG SHAOFENG [China] / ANNY [Taiwan China]

Claudia Rahardjanoto [USA]

Claudia was born and raised in Germany, where she studied extensively with Andreas Daenel, Sven Goettlicher and Pascal Hulin. She moved to New York City in 2003 to continue her education in tap. Claudia performed in numerous tap shows in Germany, Austria, Sweden and Belgium. She has also toured with the productions Magic of the Dance, Dancing Feet, and Dancing On Common Ground. Claudia has had the pleasure to dance with Dianne “Lady Di” Walker, Andrew J. Nemr’s CPD Plus, Michelle Dorrance, Max Pollak, Roxane Butterfly’s Worldbeats, Susan Hebach’s Tap Collective, Michael Minery’s Tapaholics, Jared Grimes’ T.A.D.A.H and alongside the fabulous Miss Mable Lee as one of her Dancing Ladies. Claudia is very excited to be joining Barbara Duffy & Company this season.


Yang ZongRu [Taiwan China]

2012 Artistic Director & Choreographer, Designed & produced Jazz Tap Concert Classical Jazz

Dance Ensemble and tour show in whole country. Artistic Director of “Feet Dream Dancer ”, Guest Lector of State-maintained Chenggong University Art Center. Have the honour to get the [2012 National Tap competition]. Have the honour to get the first of [The Sixth Session Dance Competition

Festival of Go Dance Music group in JiaYi City]. Have the honour to get the first of [2009 The National SparetimeTap competition- childre group]. Have the honour to get the first of [2007 Da Jiang Cup Tap Comprtition]. Vice Artistic Director of Tai Bei International Art Festival in 2007. Arranged & pland all actions of the festival. Went to YN to take a refresher course of tap dance and music drama. Learnt from Barbara Duffy and Lainie Munro.


Jiang ShaoFeng [China]

2008-09 Went to Chicago to take up advanced studies from top masters of the world and show in their festival. 2011 July, Was pleasured to be invited to Atlanta USA for 5 days’ workshop to teaching tap. Was pleasured to be invited to the award party of CCTV Television Dance great prix competition as a honored performance guest. As a honored performance guest on the opening ceremony of CBA Whole Stars’ Competition.



Tickets Online:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.4002-711868523.11.g2RTaB&id=22419680173

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 70 / 50 (presale)