Warmup: EXITA


For almost three decades, Tai-Luc (lyrics, vocals, guitar), Rikko (bass)[1], Muzo (saxophone)[2], and Cambouis(drums)[3] under the name of La Souris Déglinguée[4] have intersected all the strengths of rock when they did not anticipate it, always in step, but incurable on oneside of the convoy of convulsives. Many albums[5] were thus born, all faithful to the hard and powerful punkabilly dimension ofthe group.


Underthe antagonisms, the tensions and the fractures, Tai-Luc (an Eurasian of the Parisian surburbs, a talented polyglotintrigued by ethnology and language) has become, with the lyrics that lead La Souris, one of the most talented French songwriters of his generation, and one of the rare people capable ofrestoring the sudden , concrete and real experiences of everyday life, while confirming the spirit of the most noble French song, the one by Aristide Bruantand Pierre Mac Orlan.


However, all that would be less without La Souris Déglinguée’s great conquest, the one which perfects these features and, forhim opens the door of poetic anthologies of the road: the suppression of the « provincial » eternal discomfort of French rock opposite itsanglo-saxon peers.


Laurent Chalumeau, the journalist who was probably the best to grasp the reality of La Souris since its origins has a veryfair view on the subject : On the scene and in the cellars, La Souris was probably the first groupof French rock’n’roll. La Souris didnot copy any anglo-saxon model. Rock and its members had to reinvent it ratherlearn from it or redesign it. And they did reinvent it: in all the fury of itsoriginal Spirit, without ever apologizing for the. « frankishness » which they prescribed in the Letter. La Souris plays rock which dictates its history and its environment.


La Souris has notonly become the most consistent beacon but also the most touchy chronicler. For Tai-Luc and the group, the way of looking at things has so much more importance than things in themselves.


Throughthe words of La Souris, it is all the weaving of resistances, in which it is submerged, which has access to a newreality. Anybody who will later on, look into La Souris’ case, will not have any difficulty finding from it a subtletyand a humour which stands out against everyday normalities, but also aresponsibility and a social dimension. « La Souris » reveals originalaspects of social history.


If what has just been said tempts to represent the irremovable framework of La Souris, the present period, supported by the more recent albums of the group finds itself being a newextract of its values. An intact framework and an unlimiting creativity areagain the formation of La Souris new conquests, like that of rap, or of funk. A prominence enriched by the benefits of three decades experience, for masterpieces which will not have their equivalent in France for a longtime, and which assures La Sourisonce more its place.


Tai-Luc : Whenyou write words You are always alone. For me, it’s like practising aninstrument, nobody can do it for you. There are lyrics on the more recentalbums that l’ve had in my head for years, but I was waiting for the rightmoment. I have known Asia for years[6] and now I can writeabout it. On nearly each record, I have tried to engrave my impressions oftravelling[7], to pay hommage towhat I had experienced. I do not keep diaries about travelling neither novels,it has to be done by a song. I want to have memories that will last a thousandyears.


Akaleidoscopic, dense and evocative journey, filled with references of everyday life, which, while passing through the main road of Southern Paris’ Chinatown, leads us into what should be World music, in a spirit which doesn’t exist else where. The true basis which provides the material for this imaginary characteristic always deserves, in the case of La Souris, a detour which also leads us from the dullness of theFrench panorama :


La Souris can talk ofstories of this kind every day, and if this particular one only receives relative success, then once again it has not managed to reinforce the group andits development. La Souris alwaysknew how to control this situation, maintaining on the side trapped power, and what enabled it to escape, like the press, always ended by giving it time.


(Adaptedfrom « LSD, The Brigade of the Tiger » written by Franck Brignaudy, music reporter for Best Mag)


Backto the close future, last news ! La Souris will participate the famous Midi Festival in Shanghai (april 22nd) and Beijing (april 29th). Not bad at all ! Almost incredible ! It’s going to be an astonishing punkabilly party over there. La Souris is ready torock all the Chinese audience.


[1] Tai-Luc and Rikko (Michel) are the historical members of the band that wascreated around 1979 in the outskirts of Paris.

[2] Muzo (Michel) joined LSD in 1983 after twelve months of national service.

[3] Cambouis (Jean-François) started drumming for LSD in 1994 but has been a closefriend since the previous decade.

[4] Possible translations from French : « Twisted mouse »,« Collapsed mouse » or « 疯狂之鼠 ».

[5] Discography : La Souris Déglinguée(1981), Une Cause à rallier (1982), Aujourd’hui et demain (1983), La Cité des Anges (1984), Eddy Jones (1986), Quartier libre (1988), Paris23 mai (1989), Banzai (1991), Remix 2536 (1993) Tambour et soleil (1995), Princesses(1996), Granadaamok (1997), Lyon 84 (1999), Bataklang (2003), Mékong(2005), Tai-Luc’s solo album : Jukebox(2007), As-tu déjà oublié ?(2009), Secret place (2010).

[6] Tai-Luc first visited Beijing in 1981 and has come back very often in China.

[7] La Souris Déglinguée had played many concerts in Cambodia and Vietnam in 2000 and 2005.


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  • Tickets: Rmb 100 / 70 (presale)